Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mexican Film From 1936 to Present Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Mexican Film From 1936 to Present - Essay Example The history of Mexican Films dates back to the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Most of the films were made to mark the historical news and events, such as the ‘Mexican Revolution’. In 1936, Mexico had its first color film, by the name of ‘Novillero’. However, the Golden Age of the Mexican Film Industry began in the 1940’s. In this era the Mexican Film Industry directed 70 films, out of which some even received awards in the year’s Cannes Film Festival. 1990’s is said to be the Era of the Nueva Cinema Mexicano, or New Mexican Cinema. With the success of a number of award winning movies internationally, a ‘new wave’ or ‘renaissance’ is said to make waves in the Mexican Film Industry this era. By the 20th century Mexican directors had made absolutely implausible movies, such that they have actually started getting nominations for their movies in the Oscars (most prominent Award Ceremony of the world). In 2007, films of three Mexican directors received 16 Oscar nominations. The Mexican Industry is getting immense exposure, but the directors and actors are leaving, to represent their talent internationally and for greener pastures in Europe and America. Mexico’s current position of leadership can be seen as an achievement due to the Mexican cinema. Mexican cinema has experienced ‘Cultural Imperialism’, which is the practice of promoting a more powerful culture over a least know or desirable culture. In the early 1930’s decades after the ‘Mexican Revolution’, Mexico started emerging as a normal city. This was when the working class was working and bureaucracy was giving rise to a new sort of middleclass. This was what the movies in this era were based on. Directors showed the upheavals and the emergence of the Mexican society through their works. A movie is supposed to reflect the culture of a society and serve as a gauge to

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